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Showing donors 4750 - 4800 of 5001
Arthur Kiederle
3,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (13.11.2020 19:51) ago
12,12 tons
compensated about 3 years (13.11.2020 19:08) ago
Rika Tjakea Schütte
1,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (12.11.2020 14:24) ago
Norbert Klüver
1,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (12.11.2020 10:26) ago
Tom Paschenda
0,45 tons
compensated about 3 years (12.11.2020 06:50) ago
Sehr gute Idee, bin dabei!
3,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (11.11.2020 22:30) ago
Torcologne Events Ltd.
1,52 tons
compensated about 3 years (11.11.2020 05:29) ago
Tolle Idee- das beste Geschenk an alle Boomer zu Weihnachten und statt Gänsebraten
0,97 tons
compensated about 3 years (11.11.2020 05:21) ago
0,76 tons
compensated about 3 years (11.11.2020 05:21) ago
1,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (10.11.2020 22:32) ago
Hendrik Schuldt
1,00 tons
gifted about 3 years (10.11.2020 14:34) ago
Markus Redeker
0,97 tons
compensated about 3 years (10.11.2020 11:16) ago
1,31 tons
compensated about 3 years (08.11.2020 08:21) ago
3,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (07.11.2020 11:45) ago
David Wittenbrink
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (05.11.2020 22:09) ago
Iris Stügelmaier
0,76 tons
compensated about 3 years (05.11.2020 14:57) ago
Für eine Zukunft
Holger Lange
0,76 tons
compensated about 3 years (05.11.2020 14:38) ago
0,76 tons
compensated about 3 years (05.11.2020 14:11) ago
Davi Lyon
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (05.11.2020 13:01) ago
Nico Jergovic
0,76 tons
compensated about 3 years (04.11.2020 05:31) ago
Geniale Idee, das System mit seinen eigenen Waffen zu bekämpfen. Ich fange mal an mit 1t/Monat. Macht mit und teilt es mit allen!
Bettina Schiebel Schiebel
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (03.11.2020 19:05) ago
Thomas Winter
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (03.11.2020 09:45) ago
Jakob Schlör
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (02.11.2020 21:59) ago
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Felix! :)
Tilmann Levi Hüppauff
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (02.11.2020 19:45) ago
System change not climate change
Andreas Pichler
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (02.11.2020 00:48) ago
Für eine schönere Welt.
A. Krüger
1,91 tons
compensated about 3 years (01.11.2020 14:16) ago
Ebay-Nettoverkaufserlös 124395***605
Christoph Glawe
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (31.10.2020 19:24) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (31.10.2020 11:35) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (30.10.2020 00:00) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (28.10.2020 08:14) ago
0,03 tons
compensated about 3 years (27.10.2020 10:54) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (27.10.2020 10:11) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (27.10.2020 09:34) ago
0,61 tons
compensated about 3 years (26.10.2020 17:13) ago
0,03 tons
compensated about 3 years (26.10.2020 10:51) ago
A. Krüger
1,61 tons
compensated about 3 years (26.10.2020 09:31) ago
EBay-Nettoverkaufserlös 124388***673
Gerd Hübner
10,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (26.10.2020 00:35) ago
Fußabdruck minimieren, zusätzlich CO2 kompensieren = positive persönliche Klimabilanz! So kann´s gehen.
Christoph Ziesecke
10,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (25.10.2020 19:05) ago
for a better way of life
Lars Höppe
100,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (25.10.2020 12:44) ago
Kay Aufmwasser
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (24.10.2020 23:13) ago
Charlotte Arena
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (24.10.2020 22:39) ago
Für unseren Planeten, unsere Heimat und unsere Zukunft!
Nils Westerhaus
3,03 tons
compensated about 3 years (24.10.2020 16:31) ago
Dr. Matthias-W. Engelke
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (23.10.2020 09:57) ago
A. Krüger
2,09 tons
compensated about 3 years (23.10.2020 09:55) ago
Ebay-Nettoverkaufserlös 124389***373
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (21.10.2020 23:11) ago
1,52 tons
compensated about 3 years (20.10.2020 23:10) ago
1,52 tons
compensated about 3 years (20.10.2020 23:04) ago
Norbert Müller-Everling
3,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (19.10.2020 22:42) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (18.10.2020 21:08) ago
Philipp Dudek
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (18.10.2020 15:37) ago

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