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Showing donors 5000 - 5039 of 5039
12,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 14:47) ago
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 13:46) ago
Hans Richter
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 13:40) ago
Eine überzeugende Idee, die hoffentlich weite Verbreitung findet
Heiner Cohrs
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 12:52) ago
Winfried Hoke
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 12:00) ago
10,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 11:43) ago
Volker Hädicke
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 11:07) ago
Interessanter Ansatz mit hoffentlich toller Wirkung!
Wolfgang Stauss
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:58) ago
Tolles Ziel: Das muss doch zu schaffen sein!
Thomas Weiß
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:53) ago
Whoop Whoop!
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:47) ago
Nico Jergovic
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:43) ago
Geniale Idee, das System mit seinen eigenen Waffen zu bekämpfen. Ich fange mal an mit 1t/Monat. Macht mit und teilt es mit allen!
steff glandorf
10,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:41) ago
Super Sache!
Ludwig Stadler
12,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:37) ago
Gemeinsam schaffen wir das!!
Carsten Fischer
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:26) ago
Alles Gude zum Geburtstag, M.U.!
Andreas Vieten
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 09:08) ago
Viele kleine Schritte bringen uns auch dem Ziel näher!
Susanne Hartung
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 08:32) ago
Krüger Consulting
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 08:25) ago
P. W.
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 07:59) ago
Everybody can do something - together we achieve goals. Vegan life saves lives.
Peter Staude
8,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 07:25) ago
Joachim Bick
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 07:16) ago
Jan Reinsch
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (29.09.2020 06:49) ago
Osama Mustafa
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (24.09.2020 15:27) ago
Jona Lessing
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (22.09.2020 23:35) ago
Energetischen Glückwunsch zum Bachelor, Katha!
Ruwen Wieman
3,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (22.09.2020 09:52) ago
für Steffen :-)
Marie Kleinschmidt
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (20.09.2020 15:33) ago
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Henryk Gräser
12,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (20.09.2020 15:20) ago
Özgün Özisikyilmaz
2,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (19.09.2020 22:32) ago
Ulrike Schuldt
4,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (18.09.2020 11:29) ago
Jeder Tropfen kühlt den heißen Stein!
Lisa Winter
10,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (18.09.2020 11:24) ago
Ulrike Berghald
28,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (16.09.2020 19:26) ago
Zweck: direkte Kompensation des verbleibenden Fußabdrucks der Familie Knoll / Berghald
Alexander Deisböck
1,00 tons
compensated about 3 years (16.09.2020 09:03) ago
Can't wait to compensate. Tolle neue Seite. Großes Tennis!
Lisa Winter
1,00 tons
compensated about 4 years (15.09.2020 00:00) ago
Endlich geht's los! Stark!
David List
0,03 tons
compensated about 4 years (13.09.2020 20:24) ago
0,01 tons
compensated about 4 years (11.09.2020 00:00) ago
0,01 tons
compensated about 4 years (11.09.2020 00:00) ago
Talk Online Deutschland GmbH
20,00 tons
compensated about 4 years (10.06.2020 00:00) ago
4,29 tons
compensated about 4 years (02.06.2020 00:00) ago
ETH Zürich
34,00 tons
compensated about 4 years (17.01.2020 00:00) ago
1,53 tons
compensated about 4 years (07.01.2020 00:00) ago

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